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Boring Words and What to use instead

ingat! Penggunaannya juga tergantung dari konteks yang ada.

Instead of Pretty use :
  • beautiful            lovely
  • glamorous          attractive
  • elegant              cute
  • exquisite            gorgeous
  • stunning             handsome
  • stiking                fair
 Instead of Smart use :
  •  witty                    ingenious
  •  bright                   sharp
  • quick-witted          brainy
  • knowledgable         brilliant
  • intelligent              gifted
  • clever                    wise
  Instead of Big use :
  • towering                enormous
  • huge                      tremendous
  • large                     massive
  • great                     giant
  • gigantic                 colossal
  • mammoth              immense

 Instead of Little use :
  • teeny                   small
  • diminutive           tiny
  • compact              miniscule
  • microscopic         miniature
  • petite                  slight
  • wee                     minute
 Instead of Sad use :
  • downed                gloomy
  • unhappy               melancholy
  • depressed             miserable
  • dejected               crestfallen
  • woeful                  sorrowful
  • forlorn                  mournful
 Instead of Happy use :
  • glad                   merry
  • jovial                 contented
  • jubilant              pleased
  • joyful                 delighted
  • thrilled              jolly
  • cheerful             elated

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